Where is truth?

Romans 7:14 from three different translations:

“I am sold into slavery with SIN as MY MASTER.”   {Romans 7:14 NLT}
I AM unspiritual, sold as A SLAVE TO SIN.”     {Romans 7:14 NIV}
“I am not spiritual. SIN RULES ME AS IF I WERE ITS SLAVE.”    {Romans 7:14 NCV}

Romans 7:17 from three different translations:

“I can’t help myself.”  {Romans 7:17 NLT}
“It is no longer I myself who do it.”  {Romans 7:17 NIV}
“I am not really the one doing these hated things.”  {Romans 7:17 NCV}

(To me, that sounds like someone who’s possessed.)

Romans 7:24 from three different translations:

“What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me..?”   {Romans 7:24 NIV}
“What a miserable man I am! Who will save me…?”     {Romans 7:24 NCV}
“Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin?”  {Romans 7:24 NLT}

Is this what Christianity has to offer a lost, dying world?
Thank God, we have something better to offer the world than this.